Monday 4 March 2013

Daily Creative #4

Buy a life


  If I got a chance to sell my life, I think I wouldn't take it. On the one hand, I have pretty much nothing, all life now that I am living in is given from my parents, so I have nothing worth on my own to sell, which means my life isn't valuable for selling.On the other hand, I enjoy my life now, I've a warm family and parents who love me very much and of course I love my family so much, moreover, I'm not worried about my future because I believe as long as I work hard, I will get return someday eventually.Besides, I am a little bit lazy, I don't want to use many time to fit my new life if I bought one.

                                       So, I decided not to sell my life and buy another one.


1 comment:

  1. This photograph really caught my attention. It's such a creative use of the assignment on " Buy A Life ". I completely agree with you, how we have nothing to sell so you wouldn't sell it. I don't think I could ever sell it but if for some reason I decided to, I would price it 1 000 000 $ because I am young and there is so much going for anyone who is young and also, that we haven't even STARTED our life yet basically! So many people would want a fresh start I'm sure. After high school, we're going to be experiencing the news of new! How exciting is that?! So many people would pay for our young, new lives. Though, I wouldn't sell my life but I'm just saying how much people do want this young lifestyle again, maybe to rewrite history or relive it. We have so much to look forward to in our lives, if you think about it, we havent even started living yet. What an awesome post! Nice :) feel free to check out my blog -
